Saturday, January 31, 2009


It is the end of production for me this day. I have been mulling over a variety of my friends' and readers' life circumstances, personal tragedies, economic desperation and all around, good old fashioned hand-wringing, which so many of our citizens are experiencing in these uncertain, scary times. As a consequence, I have a few points that I wish to share with you this evening.

Number One: I try and practice the gentle art of listening. I am not a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health therapist. Frankly, I do not wish to be. I would rather listen as a friend, try and point you in the right direction and hope that you flourish. I do not want to see you once, twice, three times a week on my couch or in my office. I am not that kind of professional. Therefore, I don't have a vested financial interest, nor a reason to keep you dependent. While I hope that you read, subscribe, buy a book, attend a seminar in the future and/or become a great friend, I would rather you steal a kernel of wisdom, an idea or suggestion made to help you, and for you to go off and soar.

Number Two: In listening to my readers, I like to think that I am empathetic and respectful. That said, I also push, poke, prod and may take you to places that you are uncomfortable with. There is a time for pain in our lives and a time for recovery and moving forward. There is also a time for grief. Grief over the loss of a loved one by death. Grief because of deception, rejection or a recognition that we deluded ourself. Grief and distress because our lives or lifestyle changed so dramatically. My philosophy is that life is about experience, growth and the mature realization of the certainty of loss; and we need the inner strength, wisdom and will to fight on, to move ourself and our lives forward. Finding life hard? Stuck in the same old rut? Are you participating in a pity party, or lack the will to pull yourself up? I might try a variety of communication methods to jog your sensibilities; and at some point, I might make you uncomfortable, angry, or any number of other emotions that compel us to analyze and change. I am fine with those responses, provided you are not suicidal, homicidal or destructive in other ways and that you respect me.

Number Three: I am not a parrot. I am not a parrot. I am Not a Parrot! As referenced above, I am a listening post, non-judgmental friend (though I've my flash points too), I've no stake in your outcome other than the fact that I am a feeling, compassionate person. Should you expect me to agree with what I feel is a stinkin' way a thinkin', I care enough to share my perspective with you. I might ask, "Have you possibly considered this?" Along the way, if I find that one method of communication does not work, I might poke and prod a wee bit, just to see how you handle the stress of polite disagreement.

There is no magic formula a physician, psychologist, therapist or concerned friend might prescribe or provide. Love, hugs and genuine human concern and connection might soothe, but you must commit and initiate the process of change. If anyone claims that they have the magic tonic to what ails you, get yourself another opinion. As a consequence of our various communications, I try and adapt my message to you. No response? Sensitive? Hostile? I try and back up, post my trot, and adjust to come back to the matter from a different vantage point.

Fourth and Finally: I fully acknowledge that I am direct and to the point on most subjects. I do not believe in wasting precious time. While I like and respect people, I require the same consideration in return. Life is too short. If my communication style, experimentation, or evocative method of analysis causes any level of serious discomfort...Whoa! Back that pony up and read from a distance if you like. Sometimes a loving message, no matter the depth of truth and degree of sincerity, can touch a nerve and cannot be processed unless and until the recipient is ready. I've a thick skin, and am mentally and emotionally tough. Therefore, I will not be insulted if you can only take my blend of human observation, social and political commentary, humor and interpersonal communication in small doses. Getting to know me and communicate with me might be like riding a horse for the first time, or after the first time you get thrown and try to get back on. Some level of anxiety, discomfort and trepidation might ensue. Regardless, I promise you that this horse will not bite. If you get to that point, I suggest that you visualize yours truly as a Playboy Bunny in my former life...If the analogy is lost in the translation, read my previous article, 'My Former Life As a Playboy Bunny'.


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